What are the places you enjoy going most and things you enjoy doing most?

What are the things you do that you enjoy most? What are the places you enjoy most? This is a thread just to get to know the members of this forum a wee bit more. Some things you can post are your favorite vacation areas, favorite restaurants, hobbies, items, etc. You can go as in-depth as you'd like. Also, please do not post anything inappropriate or double post. Other than that, if you want to post, go ahead.

The things i enjoy most: Video games, Dart blasters, Water guns, Going out to eat
The places I enjoy most: My relative's houses, Myrtle beach, South Carolina, Ocean City, Maryland

That's all i have to say for now.
I enjoy: talking to everyone on this forum, video games, and staying home
Places I enjoy: San Francisco, my grandma's, and thePhilippines

It's not a lot but it's all I have owo
Things i enjoy are: battling, catching pokemon, origami
Places i like to visit: the outdoors, luminoes city, almost any beach
Things i like to do:
-Bugging my sister
-playing 24 hours in vacations
Things i like to go to:
-my room