The Woeful Squeaker

This is a short story that I wrote. Yeah.

NOTE: I have no grudge against Minecraft fans or PETA supporters.

Minecraft is an integral part of pop culture. It has landed a spot on most people's minds with its mix of survival, sandbox and other stuff. It also once had an amazing community. However, these days, the community has grown so large and it has devolved into a pit of cringe as little kids try to take the spotlight from the huge Minecrafters and try their best to gain subscribers and become the most famous youtubers the world has never known.

Here is an example of one kid's efforts to get subscribers:

Anyway, we must go on to the main part of our story. It starts in the bedroom of a kid named swagsniper2000. Swagsniper2000 is a kid who loves to eat Pringles and drinks 7Up and plays Minecraft 24/7. He believes that Notch is a god and worships him day and night, asking him to get him a bae on and an infinite supply of diamonds so that he can build his "Super Palace".

One day, as he went to the symbol of Notch (A picture of Notch drawn in crayon) he said this prayer:

"Oh, Notch, master of the world of Minecraftia, please take this 7Up flavored pumpkin pie sprinkled with ice cubes so that I may get all the things I want in life. Also please stop those PETA supporters from joining my map and disabling me from killing animals. Thank you, dear Notch."

His mom went into the room and was flabbergasted at the mess. There was a tiger sitting on the bed, clothes were all over the floor and swagsniper2000 was sitting wide eyed at the symbol of Notch.


"Mom, I am praising the god of Minecraftia. Please leave me in peace or I will force you to watch a cringe compilation as a sacrifice to Notch."

His mom then goes to the kitchen to find the bleach that she bought the other day.

Swagsniper2000 screams for no reason at all.


No bananas were falling from the sky.

The end.

There is actually a deep meaning to the ending guis