The Hell Legion's Guide for the Deadly Games


Dabbing Pikachu
Hello recruits! Or naww. This will probably like any other Deadly Games guide, BUT the more you know the better right? Let's get in to dis mudda B.S
3 2 1 BABY LESS GO!!

Also know as "The Massacre Zone" to me. But, is where you get your starting weapons. Get your weapons and run. And be proud and lucky that you're not the guy that was shanked by a guy with that Samurai Mask and a Starter Knife. Break your crate BUT keep your knife out. You usually will want to GTFO ( is this appropriate?) before you get KTFO. Usually the only time you would stay here is when people are distracted fighting each other and don't notice you. This scenario is your chance if you got a Hunting Rifle or the Pixel Gun (ugh get those things away from me).
Using it to your advantage: This tactic is "Double Edged". It will either kill you, OR if you're lucky, your last opponent will go to Davy Jones Locker. Tell your opponent to come to spawn. If he/she says "Yes" then the person is a complete idiot or just a noob. Start making your way to spawn but keep a distance at the same time. Wait for the "I'm here where are you?" then it's safe to go. Try to scout them out. Most likely they will be somewhere on the ground. If not, they're probably up in a high place. As I said this tactic is "Double Edged" they can spot you first and kill YOU. So watch out. Hide yo children, they comin.

2. The Map
Ahhhh, this place. THIS is where you get snuck up on and die. Simple as that. Even THIS THING CAN DAMAGE YOU. Basically stay away from anything that looks dangerous campfires, every single room the the Complex (well SOME rooms), etc. If you see a crate hide somewhere for a few seconds where you cannot be seen. If someone comes, pull the trigger, if no one comes get the loot. I would recommend about 5-7 seconds to make sure. ALWAYS be on the move. Don't be talking to that one guy that is hiding somewhere.
MUST DO: Look around you frequently. Basically do a 360 every 5-10 seconds to make sure you're not being followed. By doing this you ensure your safety. Trust me, it helps.
Using it to your advantage: There are MANY ways to do this. You could find a hidden place to snipe someone, surprise someone, or to just literally AVOID them altogether. This next one isn't the smartest move but desperate times call for desperate measures. Go to high places. "OMG ASTAROTH U SCRUB I DONT WANZ TO DIE. I NEEDA GET TO DA CHOPPA."
Thing is, visibility is key in the Deadly Games. Here's the exception though, NEVER do this on a map if it doesn't have the "Fog of War". While on that high place, jump around, just in case they try to sniper you, or trying to shoot you from behind.

3. Weapon Chart
If someone would state all the weapons in the Deadly Games that would be helpful for me. Thanks <3 (Done! Credits to @Titanium )
Ak Mini, Simple Shotgun, Best Friend, Combat Rifle (also known as the Army Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Alien Gun, Pixel Gun, Heavy Machine Gun, Double Trouble.
To see how a specific weapon goes against the other weapons request it in this thread below by quoting this and say which weapons. I will answer as soon as I can.
First things first, let's say you're a noob and everyone is too. So you engage in a battle with some guy with a Combat Rifle. YOU have a shotgun. The probability of you winning is not very high, as you are almost outmatched in every stat, FireRate, Mobility, Ammo. The only thing is, you have damage
on your side. But you need to get close to 2 shot him. By the time you get there, you DEAD. Because the rifle is a medium ranged weapon, and you're a short ranged weapon. Here's the chart in my option.
Rifles > Pistols
Rifles > Sniper Rifles
Rifles > Shotgun
Shotgun > Sniper Rifles
Shotgun < Pistols
Shotgun < Rifles
Pistols > Shotgun
Pistols > Sniper Rifles
Pistols < Rifles

4. Skins and Profile Stuff
Why is this even here? Skins are just for fun right? Skins are very crucial to the Deadly Games. By having a certain color skin YOU have the advantage. Let's say this, you're in a map called Day ( I forgot what it's called but it's the day version of the Night Hunting map. Get me now? Let's move on), so as I was saying, you're in the "Day" map. And, you have a skin with grey and black on. You would be better off near dark rocky areas like that "mine" and that little rectagular prism in that mountain, as it blends with your skin. You may spot someone before they even spot you. THEN YOU SHOOT THEM IN THE BACK WITH 1K HEADHSHOTS BWUAHAHAHA!!! *Ahem* Excuse me for that. But yes, another scenario would be leading them somewhere that matches your skin color, let's say a dark place like in that area with the mushroom. While your opponent is spraying and praying, YOU are getting headshot damage in. Name tags are also VERY USEFUL. Why you ask? Camouflage, again. Let's use the color black again. Black/ Grey skin, plus the black name tag. Boy, they're gonna have a hard time find you! Both make you more camoflagued if you still to the right places. Having the default yellow name tag will EASILY give your location away if you opponent ever stumbles upon your body and your name tag shows up. This is very useful for ambushes, as using the old Chinese art of taking your opponent by surprise.
Using it to your advantage (even more): Stick to the areas your skin color and name tag are, green=grassy areas, black/grey=dark areas, grey=mountains. Simple right? BUT, please for the sake of God (praise da lord halluhluya) DO NOT USE BRIGHT COLORS. YES IMNTALKING FOR THAT BRIGHT RED YOU HAVE ON AND THAT PINK. Low detectability is KEY in the Deadly Games.

5. Le Itens
These are not that crucial, but they do give you buffs which are always good to have. But, different builds are needed to support you play style. If you like shanking people at spawn, use that Samurai mask, berserker boots, and berserker cape. If you want to be tanky, use the Hitman cape, for all I care. Point is you NEED to know how you play. The most beginner friendly is the storm trooper set which is just all storm trooper items as most of the good guns are in the primary slot. The build I use is Custom cape and Ninja Tabi's. They both blend into my skin so I can hide without my items giving me away. Bright items will make you more detectable as they are bright. So be cautious when using those items.
Using it to your advantage: Try to have a skin that 1. Camouflages you and 2. Has almost the same color as your items. You wouldn't want to have a black skin with berserker boots as the boots will outshine your skin color.

Thank you for reading my guide! I will take requests on topics you want to have on here just check often. I will update this as soon as I get more information but I don't think that will be soon as I covered almost everything. Until next time, may the odds be ever with you!
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Nice guide and tutorial.
Here's all the weapons in DG since you asked:
AK Mini
Simple Shotgun
Best Friend
Army Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Alien Gun
Pixel Gun
Heavy Machine Gun
Double Trouble
How would we deal with people who use glitches? Besides reporting them
Basically there is no way but just beating them. Either just leave the match, or if deathly enough just heal yourself. I would NOT recommend the latter as it would just make you lose more coins. Go to another match. Also glitches arn't really a problem in the Deadly Games as I have seen none so far, so you don't need to worry.
I made one almost exactly like this a month and a half ago, titled "Bear's guide to Deadly Games"

I made Deadly Games Guides,
Before it was cool. But anyways good job on the guide
I made one almost exactly like this a month and a half ago, titled "Bear's guide to Deadly Games"

I made Deadly Games Guides,
Before it was cool. But anyways good job on the guide
Sorry for copyrighting you, I didn't mean to as you well know. But I made this for beginners sake and for my unlimited amounts of boredom. And thank you for the complement.