The Halloween update


New Member
DISCLAIMER: The following is my opinion so don't take this too seriously.

The latest Pixel Gun update (11.1, may be an outdated version soon) has been recieved well by players. With the new items and the pets this was quite the unique update. Except... (IMO) it took an already broken game and tore its pieces in half. "But Mikel! It's not like anyone's gonna buy the new gadgets anyways!" I hear you say. But I'm pretty sure you know the meaning of.. *totally real cough* Pay-to-win *probably not a real cough*. Let me put up a list of pros and cons:

-Gadgets can now be upgraded for better use in later levels.
-Alot of the new gadgets were things most of us have been waiting for.
-The pets make the game more unique.
-The new weapons are balanced and aren't some messy piles of pay-to-win scrap.
-Pumpkin island is back (YAAAAAYYYY!!!!).

-The revival staff is completely useless. Sure, you can respawn to where you died but you can get there in 5-10 seconds with a light weapon.
-The pets are partially useless. They don't really do much and it seems their main job is dying.
-If you buy all the new items without spending real money for some crappy pay-to-win currency, you won't be able to buy any Adamant-level (27-31) weapons or even upgrade any weapons to UP2 (If they do have one)
-The new status effects make the game less fun.
-The new gadgets aren't balanced and cost too much.

There are better free-to-play games in the app store/google play store that are not pay-to-win and are more fun than this heaping pile of garbage.

Remember, this is MY OPINION so don't take it too seriously.
After seeing a video and reading some threads on this update, it shouldn't be called Pixel Gun anymore.