SWAT Machine Gun


The Avant-garde of suggestions and drawings.

This weapon is based from FN Herstal Minimi machine gun and also the M249 machine gun. This is the powerful counterpart and has differences from the Heavy Machine Gun such as the smooth texture, its ammuniton box is green, the weapon color is dark-gray, its firing rate is 1.5x faster than its weaker conterpart. When firing, it sounds like the Heavy Machine Gun's.
SWAT Machine Gun
= Efficiency: 9
= Fire rate: 98
= Capacity: 150 (max: 600)
= Mobility: 100
= Level required: 1
= Cost: 175 coins
= Type: Primary

SWAT Machine Gun UP1
= Efficiency: 15
= Fire rate: 98
= Capacity: 150 (max: 600)
= Mobility: 100
= Level required: 17
= Cost: 227 coins
= Type: Primary

SWAT Machine Gun UP2
= Efficiency: 22
= Fire rate: 98
= Capacity: 175 (max: 700)
= Mobility: 110
= Level required: 27
= Cost: 250 gems
= Type: Primary

= Automatic
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All right. This weapon fires 12 rounds per second and the reload time is 2.3 seconds.
I feel like the name could use some work since there's already a SWAT Rifle and none of the weapons in the game have quite similar names (except for the words "rifle" etc.).