Suggest an image to photoshop


Retired PG Vet. 2013-2015
Hey guys so i just gotten into making photos in photoshop, (im not a professional in editing them so dont make the picture request too great) i have good enough skills to edit pictures so tell me a suggestion and ill try my best to make the said picture! :smile:
Here are the rules for a picture suggestion:
1. Do not request an inappropriate picture, I will deny the request
2. Be creative (but not too creative dont explode your brain)
3. Dont make it to hard for me unless I state i want a challenge
4. One person at a time, wait for the first request to be fulfilled before i can work on the other persons request
5. I may not be online at times or busy so dont expect them to be instant (I will make announcements if needed)
Thats it just follow the rules and you are good to go! :smile: