Real life questions-Ask TheRussian

Yay now you can be sit free *throws sack into a pit of angry elites with energy swords* I had my question answered
Gawd xD
I might as well seize this opportunity and ask you some questions of mine.

1.) What made you want to learn multiple languages? Although our reasoning may be the same, I still would love to hear it.

2.) Do you have a standard which you have set for yourself when following someone else? As in, how do you deem whether the person is worthy of your follow or not?

3.) Would you be able to fight and win against RAPs without the usage of any armours or accessories? Weapons purchasable with gems are exempt as well.

4.) What is your generation within your family? My parents are from Asia, and I am a second-generation (first to be born in America).

5.) Do you have any shows or movies in particular that you fancy?
1.) i was sorta forced to. If i didnt communication would be horrible when i want to go traveling with my family.
2.) that depends, on here i follow someone if they are friendly towards me, when it comes to respect and loyalty i usually come up top. There are a few that i follow due to them being more savage than me.
3.) that depends. With a Psr i could. If the rap had the agb, I'm screwed. If we both had the psr, i have a great chance of winning.
4.)i am not 100% sure. (Dad and mom are different countries. I'm not sure where my mom was born)
5.) my favorite show is Marvel's agents of Shield.
Movie=RED 1 and RED 2