My Top 5 favorite melees to use in-matches


Holiday Enthusiast
My top 5 favorite melees to use in PG3D

So, these are MY opinion of favorite melees to use in online matches.
(Flame shields up) Some of these weps may be some of the crappiest unlocks for the melee slot, just because I kick @$$ with them doesn't mean you might.
Let's begin.

5- The crystal sword: this was my second melee weapon I bought. I used it for a verylong time, until I unlocked a weapon later on in this list.

4- The Laser Chainsaw: I know, this is usually a noob weapon, but I enjoy using it, as it is a fairly moderate weapon!

3- The Fire Demon: This was my second unlocked melee I bought. It's just about as effective as the Emp. Blade, and the only reason thos isn't #2 or 1 is because of #2..

2- The Battle Shovel: [FLAME SHIELDS UP] For anyone not tricked into making this their first melee unlock, the Battle Shovel does jack sh!t. It is the worst weapon in the game. Yeah. Worse than the combat knife. The only reason for this being so high up is when you kill someone with it. You don't just anger the person you killed, you piss off the server. Normally, I use the shovel over the cactus sword when going all out EFFORT class on peeps. It may suck, but it is one of the most pleasing moments in the game when you get a kill.

1- The Emperor's Blade: for anyone not already guessing this is my favorite, it's better then the Fire Demon. Any melee better than that is pretty sweet. Every time. I use it and go on a spree, I feel like a demoknight from TF2, cutting b!tches down left and right, and having so much fun. I love it especially paired with the AGB (Anti Gravity Blaster), as you can explosive jump around, and land on someone's head, and get a free kill right away. Angering unsuspecting snipers can be very entertaining, and getting non-stop kills can get you known as the Emperor's Knight [one guy called me that in a match]
Fire demon is deals more damage (2 hit kill), but slower
Emperor Blade deals (3 hits), but faster
Which is better, or which kills faster?
I use the shovels to piss peeps off too! But my fav melee of all time is fire demon of course since it now has fir animation