Marksman or state defender? Which one I should buy?


New Member
I would like to know, does it cost gems to upgrade marksman. If it does, I probably going to buy state defender.
no icecked it was 175 coins to up it
the wtate defender sucks cause itt damage per shot is like 1
Marksman. Marksman is good for medium and long range due to its 4x scope. It's mobility is also good, which enables you to move faster. The State Defender, however, has low damage, ONLY 2x scope and lower mobility. But the SD has a bigger clip than the Marksman.
So, go for Marksman..
STATE DEFENDER BRO wanna know why?cause you wanna be the exception.Why be the exception?cause you can booooooooooooooooooom
It mostly depends on your taste for combat.
You like being fast and like long-mid ranged combat, go for the Marksman (AUG)
You like not worrying about ammo, close-mid ranged combat, and only need to buy the gun, no upgrades Go for the SD....card