So yeah, basically, I haven't been around in the forums for a long time. But, I got some stuff to tell you while I'm not in the forums.
I continued playing pixel gun normally. I slayed daters, bought guns, leveled up, and stuff. But I almost gone rogue! I became desperate one time and was kind of out of my mind. I started to say to myself, "what if I became like those daters?" After that, I actually almost did become one. One time I joined a dating match that has two players only. So yeah, I joined the match and, stuff happened.
When I was in the middle of that match, my common sense just kicked in and I started to realize and said to my self, "Oh my God, what have I done?!" So, after that I immediately gunned down that dater so many times that the dater rage quitted and left. After that match, I became mad at myself for doing such a DUMB move like that. I was just bored out of my mind and got smacked in the head with schoolwork at that time. So I was stressed out sometimes, since my top priority in my subjects is Math. I know it's quite tough but I need to prioritize on my studies. So after I realized what I done, I bowed never to do such a dumb move like that. So, months have passed and I got over that moment. Now with the new update, the game seemed to become better and worse at the same time. New maps including the FNAF map, two new OP weapons which you can now rent. (I rented the Assault Machine Gun for 3 days) so furthermore, I'm terribly sorry for not being around for quite a long time and that idiotic move I did when I got carried away. So don't be mad at me since I was not feeling great at that time. So BE HAPPY that I'm back, so that's all for now.
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