How many games to hit lvl 31

Depends on what game you play, deathmatch is fastest but harder when Peeps with Storm Hammer joins the fight, Team Battle is not that fast but easier since there some people are on your side, Point capture is fun just hope that your team actually works together, Flag capture is same as point capture, Deadly games is soo fun! But soo hard! Also soo slow! Reason is obvious.

Fastest way to get Exps and coins imo is..
1. Get a second device.
2. Make a 2 player deathmatch match.
3. Set timer to 7 min
4. Now make both devices join the same match.
5. Keep killing the person on the second device from your main device
6. ???
7. Profit!

Note. Dont set any password.
have fun
Name your server "OMG FREDDY IS HERE" and set the time to 7 minutes in death match. Make sure to play in Scary Pizzeria too. It's a XP farm, and it lasted me for 3 matches. Just get the top kills and you get 30 XP. Not that hard, cause they are all role players.
Also if you find a server named [name of map] w/ [player name here], its a role play server, avoid the silent school ones unless you are prepared for the Storm Hammers