Forum Game: Crush a dream

The only way to go online without using a device is by having a severe operation that turns your brain into the source of the internet permanently. Thus leaving your body and reality.

I wish that Pixel Gun 3D will update to version 6 on iOS now!
Unfortunately everyone is too scared to talk to you for some random reason.

I wish I had tranquility.
You suddenly awaken in the mission "Tranquility Lane" from Fallout 3.

I wish Alex Krasnov could get electric shocks everytime he doesn't update iOS. ;---;
You become a knight that is insane

I wish I was a potato (A high-class one, I will have none of that spud bollocks, and don't you dare reply to me with that lest you want your spine torn out through your anus, boy)
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You were fried, dipped in oil, sliced, and became potato chips that were eaten by others
I want IOS, Android, and Amazon devices to play together in Pixel Gun

EDIT : Forgot to read the rules. Sorry
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Fox News swarms you for being "creative"
I wish that Spartans and elites (from halo) were real
Your lover is "Cute Girl" from pixel gun instead.
I wish people would think that Spider-Man is much more relatable than Kirito

(Not trying to start a debate)