Forum Game: Courtroom Simulator


Well-Known Member
Have a problem with someone in the forums? Then why don't you settle your rivalry here.
The Forum Coutroom!!!!

So how does one play this game exactly? One might ask. Well it's pretty simple, each member who participates in this game will be assigned a role in the courtroom. Any rules? The only rule that applies here is REAL WORLD PHYSICS. What do you mean by RWD? Simple no using Powers or Magic to Dirupt the court. When you feel like punching the Judge cause he's acting like prick, then do it, but bear in mind the offender will have consequences.

Status: Pending For Members

Below is the Role each member will assigned in.


The Trial

From Classroom to Courtroom


  1. After the bailiff has called the court to order, judge enters courtroom and sits at bench. The judge tells everyone, but the jury, to be seated. The bailiff swears in the jury.

  2. Follow Mock Trial Procedure Script. Ask the prosecution to begin with their opening statement. Ask them to stand at their table. Then ask defense to do the same.

  3. Ask prosecution to call its first witness. Ask bailiff to swear in the witness, then ask witness to state his or her name. Instruct attorney to begin direct examination.

  4. The attorneys may object (see Objection handout). They are limited to four rules of evidence. Please allow the attorney to give their reasons for objecting and then sustain or overrule as appropriate.

  5. Ask defense to cross-examine the witness.

  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each witness. When defendant calls their first witnesses, they will conduct direct examination of those witnesses and the prosecution will conduct the cross examination.

  7. If necessary, take a two-minute recess to give the attorneys time to complete their closing arguments. Ask both sides to present their closing arguments with the prosecution going first.

  8. Instruct the jury with the instructions provided at the end of each trial. Ask the bailiff to show the jury to the deliberation room to decide the case.

  9. When the jury returns with its decision, ask for the verdict.

  10. After they have announced the verdict, ask them to explain how they decided on it.

  11. Time permitting, debrief the trial. Encourage all students to participate in the discussion of the trial. Questions that facilitate discussion might include:
    • What were the strong and weak points of each side?

    • What additional information would have been helpful?

    • Who was the most believable witness? Why?

    • Did any of the students change their minds during the trial? When and why?

    • Are there other ways that the problem could have been settled? What would have been the advantages or disadvantages?
  12. Complete the process with a short discussion of the need for citizens to participate in the process. Ask them what they will remember to do if they witness an action or are asked to serve on a jury.
Mock Trial Script:

Roles of each Member(Participating)

Court Reporter
Defense Attorney:TheRudeWolf
Police Officer
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Oh, My dad is a Family Criminal Attorney.
Anyways, the only roles I can see myself filling are that of a Judge, Police Officer, Lawyer, Jury, or one that I wish to be in real life, but isn't a role yet, Detective.