Favorite/least favorite map???

IMO, I love Aztec Temple and/or Heaven Garden. I most definitely hate Coliseum or any other map where you get spawn killed right when you pop into the game. I know, Aztec Temple and Heaven Garden have spawn campers, but it is easier to control since most of the opposing team is back at their spawn or at mid.(when I play)
Favorite map:Skylands,Space Station
Least Favorite maps:Slenders forest,Warehouse Assalt,And Winter wonderland (Way to small)
The one and only favorite I have is parkour city. I absolutely love the verticality on that map. The map also trains you to keep your eyes open, as there can be anyone on high ground or even right next to you.

King of the hill is easily my most hated map, mainly due to the fact that it seems like it was DESIGNED for ninja tabi spammers (no accessories guy here) so therefore giving people with no ninja tabi a disadvantage.