Deadly Games Revamp

Sir CatSnap

Raisin Hating Feline
Ever since I've started playing deadly games I've always wanted more out of it, I have a list of suggestions below that might improve deadly games and make them more funner.

Increase Player Count- the usual 6 player servers are just too small to me, I've rarely seen ones with 8 players. If possible, I think the player limit should be increased to 12 EVERY deadly games, more the people, more the drama\action

Force spectators to stay-Alot of times I have not got my fair share of coins during deadly games, for example,I survived a 6 player server and only got 2 coins and 2 exp. Instead of allowing players to leave, force them to spectate the match. Even make a waiting room where they can practice for the next match and talk with others. Not only can spectators watch the match, they can bet on their favorite players, and send supply crates to their location.

Remake spawn-There is one thing about deadly games that ruins alot of the fun, its the fact that each player get their own chest. It gives everyone the option to run and still fight. Instead of every player having their own chest, ALL chests will be moved towards the middle. It adds that thought that changes from life to death, should I go for it? Should I run and look for another crate? Players will have the option to run and hide or take a chance and run for the crates. To reduce ruby armored players tanking all the blows to swipe the loot, instead armor plates and hats will be dropped from the chests, they will not spawn with their ruby armor, all armor must be collected from chests for all players.

Events-Another intense factor of real deadly games is deadly events that would happen every 3 minutes.

Examples of the events:

Mech Apocalypse-One of the events that happen later on, the mech apocalypse will send in mechs all around the map, (controlled by bots) they will attack players in a 20 yard radius, they will not rampage around, instead they will walk around in kind of a circle/figure 8. This event will last for 2 minutes, after two minutes the mechs will rise up into the air on jetpacksand dissapear.

Gernade Drop- The shortest and one of the foremost events, the gernade drop will last for only 11.5 seconds. It will began with a countdown (similar to the countdown in nuclear city) starting at 10. Players will have that amount of time before gernades drop from the sky!

Ability to make teams-During the half minute before the Games, players will have the ability to make 2 friends to add to their team. These team members cannot be harmed by each other but eventually must kill each other in the end...

Remake chests- To me the current chests look derpy and too Minecraft like. I suggest your crates looking more rectangular and dark green, instead of the chest being destroyed, it will have to be opened from close by, opening of the box will result in a animation of it opening and the item it drops will levitate above it.

Spectators able to donate items-I know this is really gonna spur a argument, but I will try to make this as balanced as possible. Every time a player wins a match, they will be awarded 10 Deadly Points. Deadly Points can be used to buy items for other players. However the price will be extremely high.

Example of prices:

Health Pickup-30 Points

Armor Pickup-50 points

Pixel Pistol-150 points

The item will be dropped from the sky in a crate similar to my post above but with a parachute added. It will make a loud boom sound and make smoke upon landing.

SIDENOTES- I am not currently finished with this thread,I am posting it now for feedback and revision, please standby if it is in need of a makeover.
The idea where you can give stuff to a player could easily be abused
I do like the idea of having deadly events but what about maps like deadly complex this stuff wouldn't work it can't be added
Deadly games is hard enough to win I think the player count should stay the same
I honestly don't care about the chest animation but it would be a welcomed change
I don't think teams are needed in deadly games
Forcing spectators to stay would most likely make deadly games less popular and there is no incentive for spectators to stay. Also everyone will but on the guy with a better gun.
The only think I really like is the remake of spawn the only problem is that someone could walk in the middle picking all the stuff up.