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Diabolical Bard
So I decided to quit the forums. I know my sister quit last week, but I'm leaving for different reasons (though seriously, this community has kinda been going downhill as of late). I just don't have the time to come in here anymore. Well, that's not entirely true....I confess, I've been cheating on this forum with another forum, Smash Board (YOU CANT TIE TOXICWOLF DOWN WITH THINGS LIKE COMMITMENT!). So yea, it's been fun and all, but I've gotta go! SO FOR THE LAST TIME, PEACE!!!
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Hey, Toxicwolf.You should have a good time, and talking to you was fun while it lasted.

P.S. Now that you quit the forums, you technically quit the tournament, so I guess Toxicwolf DIDNT kill Curiosity.Bye Toxicwolf.;)
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