Suggestions for improvements


New Member
First off you should be able to sell guns. Not like if you buy prototype for 300 and you sell it for 300. You should be able to sell it for half price. Two there's a glitch with reloading where when reloading you can click the reloading gun or another gun and back to the reloading gun and you can shoot even if it is reloading.

Edit: It's just ideas
First off you should be able to sell guns. Not like if you buy prototype for 300 and you sell it for 300. You should be able to sell it for half price. Two there's a glitch with reloading where when reloading you can click the reloading gun or another gun and back to the reloading gun and you can shoot even if it is reloading.

Edit: It's just ideas
Selling guns: No. Just no. There's a hodgepodge of problems with selling guns on this game. I can see loads of people selling their useless weapons (e.g., almost anything except the Diablo in Melee, The Simple Shotgun, Pixel Gun, etc.) In essence, the selling feature would become more of a trash bin for already used weapons. Plus, if you can still buy the weapons again in your own game (not through the selling), then it's a severely redundant option. Now, if PG3D did add crafting to their guns (which I advise NOT to do), then I could see a use for the selling option, as people may make custom/unique guns, and sell them to the highest bidder.

Long story short: Selling weapons only works best in RPGs, never will it ever be an effective means of in-game economy for an FPS, especially one of this caliber.
You could sell all guns but starting guns (sniper rifle, signal pistol et cetera)
I don't care if you can sell a DVD copy of Mary Poppins on eBay for $1.1 million, it's just a bad idea, especially since there's no opportunity for unique weapons in the game (as in crafting or random/rarity pickups). Even if they did add such things, the game balance would be thrown off again completely.

Long story short: Just stop. RiliSoft already liked my post, I think it's clear to say they have no intent to make a "sell" option.
Listen Bronzium When you sell a gun it should have to have a 10 gem fee.
Starter weapons should not have a sell option so it should not be considered as a trash bin.Weapons that can not be bought anymore will make players Either Earn enough coins to purchase or Give Rilisoft Cash to buy coins or gems.If Rilisoft wants money so be it Life ain't easy Bronzy.The Game will become more popular adding a unquiqe trait to a FPS and when more players join some will come here and the growing PG3D Forum will get bigger.Who wants to scroll down a Mile long list of weapons when you can have the weapons that your surely need.I hope this lightens the subject
I think you should be able to sell powerful weapons.
The question is guys, WHAT if you sell all of your weapons and you don't have cash? Then you can't get weapons. Congratulation, you're idiot for doing it.
Heavy, there's a tiny flaw with that logic:

If you are selling weapons, you are making money back, thereby accumulating money by selling weapons for a price. So really, you'll have money from selling them, and lose them by buying weapons. You lose one thing and gain the other.

I've yet to come across a man who sold all his stuff, and had no money at the end of it.
Heavy, there's a tiny flaw with that logic:

If you are selling weapons, you are making money back, thereby accumulating money by selling weapons for a price. So really, you'll have money from selling them, and lose them by buying weapons. You lose one thing and gain the other.

I've yet to come across a man who sold all his stuff, and had no money at the end of it.
And if it was for free?
And if it was for free?
Then why would anyone sell their weapons if they don't get to see a return on their investment? If everyone could only give their weapons away freely it wouldn't be called selling because there are no "sales" involved. At that point it would be called a donation, a Goodwill store, or even a "trash bin" for those who do feel like tossing away their weapons due to lack of use.
Yes i had that idea and made a thread about it.I believe its great because we can sell our useless guns that we dont need anymore to people that actually need them.But looking at rilisoft liking bronziums post i am quite sure its not gonna get added so lets just forget it......
btw The second thing you mentiond is already patched