Pixel Gun Minigames


Well-Known Member
So I got a bit bored and decided to event up some mini games that is playable by (almost) anyone as long as they have a group of people to play with. Most of these are inspired by either in game events that I have witnessed or former vidoes. Enjoy and I hope that some of these games can be organised in the distant or coming future ^_^
Air Raid:
Inspired by some guy on a jetpack with too much money to spend, Air Raid is a game where players have to dodge falling 'bombs' dropped from the sky. This is a fun Minigame that is able to be played with 5 or more players and usually features 2 'bombers' and 3 'civilians'.

-Resources needed-
1. Someone(s) with a lot of gems and coins
2. A fairly large map (eg. Nuke Town)
3. People(s) running about

-Instructions and Rules-
1. You are not allowed to hide in buildings/shelter for over 5 seconds.
2. You are allowed to shoot the 'bombers' down.
3. Bombers are to wear armour and use splash damage weapons.
4. Civilians can only use primary and secondary weapons to attack the bombers.
5. Civilians cannot have armour, or use any turrets, mechs, etc.
6. When a civilian dies, they are out of the game. If a bomber dies they are allowed to continue.
7. Survive 10 minutes without dying once to win the game!
Lights show:
Inspired by an event that was once held in Mafia Mansion, players have to create beautiful lights show in order to impress judges. Played with an unlimited amount of 'contestants' and 3 'judges', this can be a fun nights entertainment for the whole of the forums.

-Resources Needed-
1. 3 judges (one has to be a critic, the other quite positive and the final one has to be normal)
2. Mafia Mansion map is required for a dark night sky
3. However many contestants you want

-Instructions and Rules-
1. Don't kill judges for giving you bad scores, and don't kill any other contestants.
2. You can form groups of up to 3 people to compete.
3. Judges rate performance of the show out of 10.
4. Also judges cannot be biased to certain contestants in anyway.
5. The most creative and highest scored team wins!
Duck Hunting Season:
Duck hunting season has begun! Players have to shoot down the duck in order to win their dinner. Armed with only simple weapons, the hunters have to kill the ducks and win the game! As many players can participate in this event!

-Resources Needed-
1. All players need a duck skin.
2. Accessories that boost jumping.
3. Simple Shotgun, Pixel Gun and Combat Knife.
4. Utopia Map (if still available in Deathmatch)

-Instructions and Rules-
1. All but 1 player starts off as the duck, the other is the hunter.
2. If you are killed as a duck, you become a hunter (unequipping the duck skin).
3. Ducks can only attack using the Combat Knife while hunters use both the Simple Shotgun and Pixel Gun.
4. Ducks are allowed accessories.
5. No players can have other guns, armour and any other game enhancing item.
6. Last to survive as a duck wins the game!
Five Minutes at Pizzeria:
You have been hired as the Night Guard in the Scary Pizzeria and must monitor the animatronics. Will you be able to ward of the malfunctioning animatronics with your trusty pixel gun before they get to you?

-Resources Needed-
1. Scary Pizzeria Map
2. Minimum of 5 players
3. FNAF skins
4. Armour (optional), Pixel gun and Combat Knife
5. Your wits

-Instructions and Rules-
1. The 'Night Guard' starts off in his guard room (the one with all the screens) and cannot leave the room under any circumstance (highly unadvised).
2. 'Animatronics' are positioned equally and randomly around the map (not starting in the guard room of course)
3. If animatronics spawn in guard room, they are to not move until they are killed.
4. The animatronics cannot move while the night guard is watching them, and exception to this is if the guard is backed into a corner, they they are allows to move at FULL speed.
5. Animatronics are to move slowly, at half speed
6. Animatronics are only allowed to use the combat knife, while the night guard can defend using a pixel gun. No accessories allowed, no armour allowed for the night guard.
7. Animatronic stats:
Freddy- Wooden armour
Chica- Gold Armour
Bonnie- Diamond Armour
Other Animatronics- None
8. Survive as the night guard the match to win the game!
Parkour Championship:
You are invited to a Professional Parkour Championship. Parkour you way around the tall sky scrapers in order to obtain the title of 'World Parkour Champion'!

-Resources Needed-
1. Parkour City
2. Intense Parkour skills
3. A timer and judge
4. At least 2 or more contestants

-Instructions and Rules-
1. No accessories allowed
2. Players are to do a 3 lap course around the outer rim of the map, doing it in the fastest possible time.
3. The judge times the laps and records them for each contestant.
4. If you fall, then you receive a 5 second penalty and you have to start where you have fallen off. Fall 5 times and you are eliminated.
5. You move around the map in a counter clockwise direction.
6. Fastest time wins the tournament!
Super Smash Bros (Credit to Infamous and Rude):
Inspired by the hit game Super Smash Bros, players have to hit each other out of the arena in order to survive. Starting with only. 5 lives, you must defeat the other opponents or risk being sent flying off the map. Good luck fighters!

1. Area Push Weapon (AGB, Solar Power Cannon, etc.)
2. A platform on a map with a map fatality (Eg. Sky Islands, Space Station, King of the Hill) in Team Death Match
3. At least 3 players (more is HIGHLY recommended)
4. Jump boost accessories and armour (optional)

1. Have two or more players join the same team, and at least one player on the other team.
2. The fighting players will determine their stock, then kill the player on the other team until they have that amount of stock (5 stock match = 5 kills for each fighter).
3. The two or more players will then start shooting their area damage weapons (that have the push effect) until the other(s) lose all of their kills (in this case their lives.)
4. If you lose a life, just get back in the action. If you lose all of your lives, you're out of the game.
5. The last man (or woman) standing wins.
Smash through a series of levels that increase in difficulty as you compete against different stages of a player's Pixel Gun life. Defeat their pass selves in order to face their current future, facing off against the ultimate boss!

1. Someone who is experienced in 1v1s and has a LOT of gems and coins.
2. A player who wants to test their skills.
3. Nuke Town

-Instructions and Rules-
1. Play in deathmatch
2.Play 5 minute rounds, if the challenger wins, they move on to the next stage
3. Remember to always wait for a game to reset before moving on to the next round.
4. No armour allowed on the challenging side.
5. Here are the stages of the game:
Level 1- Shambling Zombie:
1st Stage: Combat Knife
2nd Stage: Battle shovel
Boss: Laser Chainsaw

Level 2- Newbie Player:
1st Stage: Simple shotgun, Pixel Gun, Combat Knife
2nd Stage: Simple Shotgun, Pixel Gun, Combat Knife, Sniper Rifle
Boss: Best Friend, Alien Gun, Battle Shovel, Sniper Rifle, Signal Pistol

Level 3- Dater Infestation:
1st Stage: Brave Patriot, Alien Gun, Diamond Sword, Magic Bow, Big Buddy (Crown and Storm Trooper Cape)
2nd Stage: State Defender, Crystal Fast Death, Diamond Sword, Magic Bow, Bid Buddy (Crown and Storm Trooper Cape)
Boss: Marksman M2, Crystal Fast Death, Diamond Sword, Headhunter, Big Buddy (Crown, Storm Trooper Cape and Ninja Tabi)

Level 4- Professional Courtesy:
1st Stage: Marksman M2, Crystal Fast Death, Fire Demon, PSR, Armegeddon (Gentleman's hat, My Cape and Ninja Tabi)
2nd Stage: Crystal Laser Canon, Assassin's gun, Fire Demon, PSR, Armegeddon (Gentleman's hat, My Cape and Ninja Tabi)
Boss: Crystal Laser Canon, Plasma Releaser, Fire Demon, PSR, Dragon's Breath (Gentleman's hat, My Cape and Beserk Boots)

Level 5- Gem Spammers:
1st Stage: Assault Machine Gun, Plasma Releaser, Dark force Lightsaber, Impulse Rifle, Laser Minigun (Ruby armour)
2nd Stage: Assault Machine Gun, Dual Machine guns, Dark force Lightsaber, Impulse Rifle, Laser Minigun (Ruby armour, turrets)
Boss: Assault Machine Gun, Dual Machine Guns, Dark force Lightsaber, Impulse Rifle, Laser Minigun (Ruby armour, mechs (only use 2 max), turrets, etc.)

Level 6- Final Boss
Mechs, mechs, mechs, mechs (use up to 10 mechs per game) (grenades, jetpacks, everything infinite times)
Assault Machine Gun, Dual Machine Guns, Dark Force Lightsaber, PSR, AGB
If you have any suggestions please put them down in a comment below.
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These sound like a lot of fun, I will try to play them! Great ideas M8 ;)
New mini games have been added!

"Five minutes at Pizzeria" and "Parkour Championship"!
So you can knock off people so it will be more fun, unless you rage quit a lot.
But you take turns for each run. And anyway, the AGB would instakill people xD

Maybe, if preferable, I could change it so that you can use the signal pistol on the sidelines to knock people off. And make it so that there is no penalty for falling off and you don't get eliminated if you fall off 5 times. How does that sound?
Smash Bros. (Got this from Rude/Sagi two months back):


-Area Push Weapon (AGB, Solar Power Cannon, etc.)
-A platform on a map with a map fatality (Like Sky Islands, Silent School (that room with the skeletons), Space Station, King of the Hill.)
-At least 3 players (more is HIGHLY recommended)
-The game MUST be in TDM.
-Jumping accessories.

1. Have two or more players join the same team, and at least one player on the other team.
2. The fighting players will determine their stock, then kill the player on the other team until they have that amount of stock (5 stock match = 5 kills for each fighter).
3. The two or more players will then start shooting their area damage weapons (that have the push effect) until the other(s) lose all of their kills (in this case their lives.)
4. If you lose a life, just get back in the action. If you lose all of your lives, you're out.
5. The last man (or woman) standing wins.
Smash Bros. (Got this from Rude/Sagi two months back):


-Area Push Weapon (AGB, Solar Power Cannon, etc.)
-A platform on a map with a map fatality (Like Sky Islands, Silent School (that room with the skeletons), Space Station, King of the Hill.)
-At least 3 players (more is HIGHLY recommended)
-The game MUST be in TDM.
-Jumping accessories.

1. Have two or more players join the same team, and at least one player on the other team.
2. The fighting players will determine their stock, then kill the player on the other team until they have that amount of stock (5 stock match = 5 kills for each fighter).
3. The two or more players will then start shooting their area damage weapons (that have the push effect) until the other(s) lose all of their kills (in this case their lives.)
4. If you lose a life, just get back in the action. If you lose all of your lives, you're out.
5. The last man (or woman) standing wins.
Sounds excellent. I'll add it into the list.
They sound fun I really like the parkour one idk if rilisoft would add them tho cause they might ruin the FPS thing
They sound fun I really like the parkour one idk if rilisoft would add them tho cause they might ruin the FPS thing
They're player hosted mini games. So it has to be private and everyone has to agree on the rules in order for it to work.
Yup, so that everyone comes to an understanding.
What if the players where forced to follow the rules.For example if team battle didn't exist and you told someone to team against another team in Deathmatch he would listen but of he was forced not to kill other teammates now that would be different
Ever wanted to test your skills in the comfort of you own time? Well 'GAME OVER' is now able to do so!

New mini game added, check it out! ^_^

What if the players where forced to follow the rules.For example if team battle didn't exist and you told someone to team against another team in Deathmatch he would listen but of he was forced not to kill other teammates now that would be different
It wouldn't work out for most of them. You would need to make most of the things NPCs (eg, the ducks) for it to work.
Ever wanted to test your skills in the comfort of you own time? Well 'GAME OVER' is now able to do so!

New mini game added, check it out! ^_^

It wouldn't work out for most of them. You would need to make most of the things NPCs (eg, the ducks) for it to work.
Ya that's correct and it wouldn't be that fun with so many NPC's for most of the players (not me tho)