I found this really weird bug...

Sorry for the off-topic comment, but Herobrine never was real, and never was implemented into any version of minecraft. Every update they would add at the bottom:
-Herobrine Removed
to just freak people out.
Notch even confirmed on twitter that he wasn't real after all of the fans were spamming Mojang with emails about Herobrine. Notch doesn't even have a brother :tongueout:
We know mate.....anyways how bout we get back to topic
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Heaven Garden's pretty glitchy mate, I mean look at me!

I was very scared, I thought Herobrine caught up to me! :eek:
Look ...srry bad quallity images.. And it goes back to nørmāł whëñ û wåłk óùt ôf thē border of the map
this bug happens all the time for me, when im like playing someone on forums and i eexit game quickly to check shoutbox. then when i die i fall from the sky and cant move or even leave
Termy i was playing knife party and same thing again... I couldnt even press peuse menu...all i could do was chat..couldnt even go into shop...as soon as i spawned i flew in the air fell down throught the roof and landed but while all of it i couldnt move anything exept chat....dis is really weird i took dis screen shot 2 mins agoimage.jpg