Gold Man: Operations (TV Series) [Episode List/Plot Summaries Included!]


Retired Moderator/Car Enthusiast
Hello everyone,

So, after having a renewed interest in the Gold Man character, Nightmare has persuaded me to put up my initial write-up of the Gold Man character. I had originally envisioned Gold Man as more of a story told from a TV series than a novel. This was my first rendition of Gold Man, ranging all the way back from 2012-2013. At the time I wrote it, I was on a trip to my grandparents, and typed the whole thing up on my iPad. Now, you will all be able to see what I wrote back then, and how the story of Gold Man was meant to be told. Enjoy.

Season 1:
Tactical Angel
Zero Recovery
No Strings
New Recruit
Smokin' Gun
Aggressive Contacts
Dead Man Rising
Final Run

Season 2:
Back In Business
Multiple Angles
Solid Contract
Blood Money
Baker's Dozen
Extra Payment
Precious Cargo
Borrowed Time
Zero Hour

Season 3:
New Body, New Place
New Partner
Platinum Lady
Tag Team
Extreme Prejudice
Asta La Vista
Season 1:
Adam Stickland, a famed assassin by the name of Gold Man, begins to take on his latest contract, only to reveal his victim is part of a bigger plan.
Tactical Angel:
After seeing Martin Rodriguez die in his face, Gold Man begins to play all the angles as he tries to unveil who this syndicate is, The Origin.
A famed playboy is killed in his bedroom, from an experimental weapon. Gold Man tries to hunt down who is taking his contracts, and needs to if he wants to remain a famed gun for hire.
Zero Recovery:
A mission in the arctic reveals that The Origin is behind the taking of his contracts, but not without the sacrifice of his own legs does Gold Man find out. Now, stranded in the Arctic, Gold Man needs to find a way out fast, or else he will be a tale of legend.
No Strings:
A famous billionaire is willing to pay Gold Man handsomely, if he is willing to take out a target at the stock market. However, the target is revealed to be not just any average joe.
New Recruit:
After recovering from the events of No Strings, Gold Man decides he needs a partner to help in his killings, as the after effects have caused him to lose his grip.
Attempts to take over the World Hitman Organization (WHO) from The Origin threaten Gold Man and Excalibur as they try to find who the mole is in WHO.
An all-out war strikes between WHO and The Origin as both sides try to take out each other after the killing of Leonard Voss, the headmaster of WHO.
Smokin' Gun:
Gold Man and Excalibur try to find out the identity of Leonard's killer, however the truth may shock them both!
Aggressive Contracts:
Threatened to kill certain members of the WHO or else face death themselves, Excalibur and Gold Man try to break free from The Origin and clear their names as they are on WHO's Top 10 Hit List!
Dead Man Rising:
After losing Excalibur in the previous events of Aggressive Contracts, Gold Man realizes that all is not what it seems when the killer of Leonard Voss is revealed to be Leonard Voss himself!
Final Run:
With time running short on their hands, Gold Man and Leonard must try to bring peace between WHO and The Origin, otherwise the results could be catastrophic!
After finding who the true culprit is behind this ordeal, it's up to Gold Man to kill Jakob Crowe, leader of The Origin, and bring justice to both organizations once and for all. Unfortunately, Jakob is prepared to destroy both The Origin and WHO with bombs located in their own facilities!

Season 2:
After his plans backfired in Endgame, it is revealed that Gold Man lives, however on the run as The Origin and WHO want Gold Man dead for the killings of both their headmasters!
After realizing that Gold Man was framed for killing Jakob and Leonard, Gold Man must try to prove his innocence and clear his name from the Hit List!
Back In Business:
After realizing Gold Man was included in Leonard's will, Gold Man is to be appointed as the next headmaster of the WHO. However, with great power comes great responsibilities, as Gold Man must try and make peace with The Origin!
Multiple Angles:
Now that peace is made with WHO and The Origin, Gold Man tries to relax, only for his home to be sabotaged and blown up, as an assassination attempt. Trying to play all the angles right, Gold Man must try and pinpoint the killer before he becomes apart of WHOs Wall of Fame.
Solid Contract:
Receiving a contract from The Origin, Gold Man is tasked with killing a person very close to him, his true love Jennifer!
Blood Money:
After not being able to take the shot, The Origin threatens to kill him and Jennifer, unless Gold Man pays a hefty sum for the price of their lives!
Baker's Dozen:
Gold Man is tasked with taking down a crime syndicates head leaders, however these drug lords have dealt with the WHO before.
Extra Payment:
Out for the sum of his life, Gold Man must take down one of the few men who have been able to evade the WHO and The Origin for some time, famed Columbian dictator Gabriel Martinez!
Precious Cargo:
Now out for higher priority contracts, Gold Man must provide protection for an arms dealer who is out to sell weapons to the Middle East. His enemies: The Origin!
Continuing from Precious Cargo, Gold Man must make sure the arms dealer and his firearms make it to Middle Eastern security forces, or else The Origin will take the firearms for themselves!
A powerful hacker has managed to hack into Gold Man's hi-power exosuit, causing mass chaos and destruction to any and all people, including WHO and Origin officials! Can Gold Man stop the hacker before he makes the most irreversible choices ever?
Borrowed Time:
After realizing that Gold Man has a matter of time to live due to his exosuit slowly killing him, Gold Man is all for trying to go in it for one more run at the game, even if it means risking his life!
Zero Hour:
With only hours to spare, Gold Man decides to set things right, by eliminating WHO and The Origin's peace treaties, and go on an all-out killing spree against The Origin and WHO!

Season 3:
After a life sacrificing act from Jennifer, Gold Man's pending death has been halted, at the cost of half his body! Out on the run from the remnants of WHO and Origin, now calling themselves The Hitmen, Gold Man and Jennifer must try and stay alive!
New Body, New Place:
Now an official cyborg, Gold Man and his love Jennifer decide to set out and find a new place to live in, while hiding from The Hitmen at the same time!
Trying to right his wrongs, Gold Man decides he must set the record straight, and begin to save people from The Hitmen rather than kill them!
New Partner:
Jennifer wants to get in on Gold Mans revenge plan, so Gold Man decides to make a suit of armor for her so she can aid in helping Gold Man fight The Hitmen.
Platinum Lady:
Calling herself Platinum Lady, Jennifer decides to set out and make a name for herself.
Tag Team:
Gold Man and Jennifer are in for a thrill ride, as they must work together and take out The Hitmen's latest target, The Queen of England!
Extreme Prejudice:
After saving The Queen, The Hitmen begin to get tired of Gold Man and Jennifer foiling their assassination attempts, and decide to set them as The Hitmen's top 2 on The Hit List!
Sky High:
Being on the run from The Hitmen, Gold Man and Jennifer decide to strike The Hitmen where it hurts most, at The Hitmen Headquarters!
The Hitmen decide to strike back, by staging an attack on Gold Man and Platinum Lady at their own home!
Asta La Vista:
In order to finish his revenge plan, Gold Man must make amends and do the one thing he never wanted to in order to finish off The Hitmen: to sacrifice the last thing he would ever think of, his own life. However, not all is as it seems...
Note: Series Finale

Please note, I wrote this back in 2012-2013, so there's a good chance some episode titles won't quite match up with the plots given (I literally wrote titles I thought would work for episodes). Also, all the content is meant to be set in the future, not much realism to compare to modern-day here. :tongueout:
I chuckeled when it said that you were the assassin. Lol.

Also, the thing with the first episode leading to something bigger is kind of cliche, but I like it just because it has a similarity to Deus Ex.
Glad you guys liked it!

If you guys have any recommendations/suggestions/questions in regards to this, feel free to ask!