Ask some questions!

1.What is your least favorite class in TF2?
2.Does a sanvich derp a pootis?
3.Have you ever eaten a fish cake in TF2?
4.If someone you like asks you out will you except (Dude this isn't a flirt attempt)
5.and lastly Who would win in a fight? GlaDos or Saxton hale?
  1. Scout, Spy, Medic, Heavy, Pyro, Soldier, Demoman and Engineer.
  2. Yes I do have eaten a fish Cake in TF2.
  3. You meant Accept? If so then of course.
  4. I would said Saxton Hale.
1. Do you know who Star Lord is?

2. Element Gun or being the Avatar?

3. Eye color?

4. Has anyone ever told you the definition of insanity?

5. How old are you?
1. Favorite male member of x-men?

2. Favorite member of the Avengers?

3. Favorite female member of x-men?

4. What kind of keychain so do you own?

5. What kind of magnets are attached to your fridge?
1. Do you prefer Venom or Bane?

2. Joker or Carnage?

3. Mad Hatter or Mysterio?

4. Do you only use 1 strap on your backpack?

5. Do you have any allergies?
1. Are you allergic to sandvich?

2. Are you allergic to pineapples?

3. Are you allergic to chocolate?

4. Are you allergic to peanuts?

5. Or are you allergic to mayonnaise?
1. Are you allergic to sandvich?

2. Are you allergic to pineapples?

3. Are you allergic to chocolate?

4. Are you allergic to peanuts?

5. Or are you allergic to mayonnaise?
First off, I am not Allergic to all of it
BUT there could be one, it's type of medicine for removing coughs and color is really pinky.
1. Do you think Batman can take out Godlike beings?

2. How fast do you think is Superman?

3. Have you ever seen snow?

4. Have you ever seen a live snake?

5. Have you ever been bit by a dog?
Who or what got you into TF2 and PG3D, or was it by chance?]

Well... for TF2, in 2 years later, I went to my stepmom's family house and then I got interested into TF2 by my uncle's laptop, his username is SpoonTardis on Steam.
And PG3D, when I got $10 in my iPad, I went search for good games then I got seek to this game and this is how I got it.
1. Do you think Batman can take out Godlike beings?

2. How fast do you think is Superman?

3. Have you ever seen snow?

4. Have you ever seen a live snake?

5. Have you ever been bit by a dog?
  1. Dunno can you?
  2. I guess pretty fast.
  3. Yes why?
  4. Yes.
  5. No.
    1. What was your first experience in Roblox like?

    2. Ever tried a Sandvich combo?

    3. Favorite Comedy shows?
  1. First experience of seeing Roblox is old fashion but every update kept getting worser including friends update.
  2. Yes.
  3. The Big Bang Theory
1. Aren't you too young to watch Big Bang Theory?

2. Are you a troll sometimes?

3. Did you have a bad childhood?

4. Are you European?

5. Do you eat apples?
1. Do you know any other unique and creative emoticons?

2. What was the most embarrassing thing you have done so far in your life?

3. Have you ever scored three points in basketball?

4. What kind of powers would you want to get?

5. We're you born on the year 1999?
1. Do you know any other unique and creative emoticons?

2. What was the most embarrassing thing you have done so far in your life?

3. Have you ever scored three points in basketball?

4. What kind of powers would you want to get?

5. We're you born on the year 1999?
  1. Nope
  2. Stage.
  3. Yes.
  4. If I could get powers, then I could get fly, invisible and something.
  5. No, I am born in 2001.
1. Have you ever played the Batman: Arkham games?

2. Have you ever attended summer classes?

3. Favorite Batman villain?

4. Favorite Bat-Family member, besides Batman

5. Did you watch Justice League as a younger child?