what's your learning style?

Ruby Rose

The Silver Eyed Warrior
For a Chemistry class I just started for a co-op the teacher gave us an assignment. She had instructed us to go on this website:http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles.shtml and take the 20 questioned quiz to find our learning type. I took the quiz and read the results, I actually found it pretty cool and helpful. I'm a Auditory/Tacile learner(35% Auditory, 30% Visual, and 35% Tacile were the exact results).
So in short I just thought I shared this with you guy. :grin:
Go on take the quiz and see what your learning style is!
According to the results, they haven't changed all that much since I last took the test (which was 10th grade). So, accordingly, my results were:
  • Auditory: 30%
  • Visual: 60%
  • Tactile: 10%
I was a visual learner in Grade 10, and it hasn't changed since. :tongueout:
Sounds like me. I can't remember that much just by reading. If I just do hands-on activities or dyi stuff,I'll enjoy it and retain it. But on some of the questions in this quiz thing,It was tough to decide because I sometimes do both.
  • Auditory: 30%
  • Visual: 40%
  • Tactile: 30%
I'm a visual learner and 30 % Tactile and Auditory
Last edited:
Auditory: 30℅
Visual: 40℅
Tactile: 30℅
So I guess I'm a visual learner.