what would you choose

Cømmander Ren

The Regular Overwatch player
Alright pretend it is the zombie apocalypse and you can only carry two weapons, one from any Pixel Gun game, and one from another series/franchise/video game/movie/etc.(anything else) what would you have?

I would have:

PG 3D : Prototype PSR-1 :Sniper and laser is seem for a useful to defend from zombie apocalypse movies/shows so obviously them together would be the best!

Other: Whistled arrow from Guardian of the Galaxy - best weapon ever created!

I want to hear how you would defend yourself!!
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The Overcharged Blaster(cuz it haz 2000 ammo for 3 coins)
A spartan spear and shield(cuz diS IZ SPARTA!)
I would use the Armageddon and High Voltage.

Not only that the High Voltage wrecks in Time Survival (which is basically being surrounded by zombies), but if you were surrounded by too many enemies, or you're out of ammo, just make a lot of zombies surround you, then Thunder Jump. ;)
primary: classic C.O.D BlackOPS2 personal knife (tactical knife)
secondary: "Tac 45" (pistol( real life> P40) another C.O.D blackops 2 weapon.

just becuase i actually like using Pistols and Knifes a lot more.
Portal Gun and Crystal mega destroyer, the destroyer Rekts zombies and a portal gun to trap the zombies in one place
I'd use a Prototype Up-2 from PG3D and the good old-fashioned method of jumpscaring from FNAF (that works as a weapon right?)
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I will pick dual revolvers (because dual weps are awesoooome)
And hidden blades from assassins creed series (im a huge AC fan :tongueout:)