The main four


You lost the game.
Aye, some of ye have probably saw that i'm using 4 characters to RP now... so here they are...

[RED TEXT = Shirogane] Shirogane is an Artic Wolf who lives in an icy land, bullied, belittled and ignored by everyone, Shirogane is the main target for rudeness and hatred, depressed due to the fact everyone hates him, he is lonely, only being on this world by his best friend, Yukisada, an owl, who is his only true friend.
Shiro lost it when he got stabbed by an icicle and saw his best friend getting tortured. He's an coward and screams rather reasily, tending to cry about how useless he is, but when it comes to save his friend, he put his life on the line.


[GREEN TEXT = Death Gane] Death Gane, is a 14 year old girl, which looks are very similar to Shirogane, however... think of Death Gun, but female version and anthro one.
Death Gane cares deeply about Shirogane, and will do everything to protect him, mostly killing anyone who seems to be hostile towards him, being a skilled fighter and expert with guns, she's been able to kill his worst enemy, Idate.

[Without her MetaMateiral Optical camouflage Mantle she stole from Death Gun himself (Couldn't find a cooler image, sorry )
[With her Metamaterial Optical Camouflage Mantle, looking exactly identical to Death Gun himself (Think of Death Gun as a female and with a tail sticking out, that's her)

[INDIGO TEXT = Narrator (Not Ohio's)] The Narrator has a physical form, not much is known about her except she narrates the things Shirogane and Death Gane do, and she even aid them on battle, fighting alongside Death Gane...


[ORANGE TEXT = Vulpes (Me)] The good and old Vulpes everyone knows and love...

[By the way, the Narrator is a female, (yeah... that character's photo is actually a female)]
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