Star Legends


Retired Moderator/Car Enthusiast
Hey guys, I come here announcing I have found a new game to entertain myself with while waiting for the update. It is called:

Star Legends

I know it's not exactly a "new" game (it's been around since 2011), however it is a sci-fi MMO, which is what I've been wanting to play. I must say, it's quite addicting for me (that's why I haven't been around much the past day or so). The best part is that it can be played either through PC, iOS, or Android devices. Meaning if you have a registered account, you'll be able to access your characters anywhere!

Anyways, I might be playing it for a while (until the update arrives anyway), so if you ever want to give it a try, or have played it before, look me up. I'l either be a Level 15 Commando named Oashaasibe (it's some weird default name they gave me 'cause I didn't save the username properly), or a Level 16 Engineer named Bronzium (the same name I also use for my Level 13 Soldier in Bounty Hunter: Black Dawn).

Hope to see you in-game!
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My Oashaasibe character is now a Level 16 (soon to be 17) Commando. I think I'l be using him more often (since I like being the front-line type of guy, not the back-end support), so look for me under that name.

I've also joined a guild on there named 143 (they have over 250 members, so you know it's a good guild), so if you can't find me, but rather a member of 143, ask them for Oashasssibe, and ask if I'm online.

By the way, if you want to shoot me a friend request, I can help you level up through the quests. ;)
lol i was maxxed level in 2011 when it came out. and its just a ripoff of theyre other game pocket legends i think
I have been playing EKOWorld Lv12 Drglancer Wyvern is my profile in it but I might try star legends