
New Member
I have found the hardest puzzle I have ever attempted. After a solid 15.5 weeks I've FINALLY figured it out. And I am posting it right here

0 0 0 =6
1 1 1 =6
2 2 2 =6
3 3 3 =6
4 4 4 =6
5 5 5 =6
6 6 6 =6
7 7 7 =6
8 8 8 =6
9 9 9 =6

The rules are you have to make all of these true. You can use any mathematical sign that doesn't involve using a number (so no squares)
For example 6+6-6=6

Yes I did give you one. If any of you figure this out WITHOUT looking it up on the internet,
Actually I don't know what I'll do xD
Well I guess I'll personally congratulate you and give you a like :smile:
Like you can use any math sign as long as the three numbers turn into a six and as long as the sign doesn't involve using a number to make the sign (like cube roots and squares)
So, we can only use the standard (+), (-), (÷), and (×) signs? Also, can be bring some theoretical math in while we're at it? For example, we don't have to follow the PEMDAS way of math.
Sure as there are multiple solutions to them. For example 6*6/6=6
But you do NOT have to use only the standard signs. If you want some examples of what I used u'll have to PM me tho cuz I'm not puttin mine on here till someone else gets it