(joins a random game)
HotBoy- "Will you be my GF?"
Me- Well first off, Im not gay, second off. Shut up and play the damn game.
HotBoy- "How about you go @$&k yourself you god damn noob piece of @$&k
Me- Im a noob? here you are using the storm hammer with full adamant armor, and not even getting a single kill.
Hotboy- STFU You piece of$#!+, I F@$Ked your mom last night!!!
Me- Then you're gonna be arrested for necrophilia. having intercourse with a dead person.
Hotboy- You F@$King noob piece of S#!+ !!!!
Hotboy- (Leaves the game)
Random Person- Nice...

Me: Makes a fake dater server pretending to be a girl (I made it to get coins off unlucky fools lol)
Rex has connected
Rex: Are u a girl
Me: Yes
Rex: Can u be my bf
Me: Only if ur skilled enough
Rex: Ok
2 matches later...
Rex: I'm not good enough u have better guns than me can u switch
Me: No, beat me with ur current guns and I will be ur gf
Rex: Ur just using me to get Storm Hammer
Me: Lol no I has that already
I show him my Storm Hammer
Rex: Imma leave goodbye
Rex: Really
Me: Yes and I was using u to get coins
Rex leaves the match crying

Moral of the true story: Never online date, because you have no idea if you're dating a guy or a girl. Lol
Moral of the true story: Never online date, because you have no idea if you're dating a guy or a girl. Lol
Shockingly enough, I found this lesson (sort of) the hard way. Back in my Battlefront days I used to be a good friend to a person named Jennifer (she was apart of a clan that I was allied with at the time, and persisted to remain with the clan and I through several reincarnations of this clan). It was only until approximately 2 years later that I found some rather unnerving news through the Battlefront Gamers community that Jennifer may not have been all she seemed (or so one of the members led me to believe). Long story short, I still am to this day confused if the user named Jennifer was an actual girl or not, though I am nonetheless happy that I met her and learned this lesson (sort of).

My only thoughts are that if she is still out there, and that the guy was talking about a different person (there were two Jennifers on Battlefront way back then, matter of fact), then it'd be nice to meet her again. :smile:

And yes, I foresee I wil receieve a lot of flak for stating that... :expressionless:
Having just added me, he asked me this..
Thedoctorpu: What`s your game password
DJ Khaled: Where do u live
Thedoctorpu: Creeep
DJ Khaled: See, don`t ask people personal questions

Another one..
Coolestsnapbackgirl: Are u the real DJ Khaled?
DJ Khaled: Yeah, and Santa is real
Coolestsnapbackgirl: Awesome!
DJ Khaled: U smart, in fact, u a genius
Coolestsnapbackgirl: I really like your music
DJ Khaled: U loyal, I appreciate that
Snapback: Thanks!
This shizzle really happened, you can't write this stuff, well I just did..but you get what I mean..
Hot Girl: Angry *** now! I am 11 yrz old.
CoolBoy: Where are you
Hot Girl: In One of the beds

My reaction:
██───██───██─────────██───██───██ Seriously...?