Cringiest Kid on the internet...

Dear child if that is you in that video please, please, Please.Just...just write a script for a video or at least think before hand what you're going to say. That kid is trying too hard and turns the whole video to pure cringe.
Dear little kid,
Instead of making a cringe video, go back to your homework, struggling all day on figuring out what 2+2 is. Oh, and don't forget to delete your channel and cry due to the fact that you received nothing but rude comments and dislikes. I may seem a bit too harsh, but I wouldn't care, as long as you seem to continue your mercy.
Sincerely, your dearest friend (sarcasm), JustLeafy.
Dear little kid,
Instead of making a cringe video, go back to your homework, struggling all day on figuring out what 2+2 is. Oh, and don't forget to delete your channel and cry due to the fact that you received nothing but rude comments and dislikes. I may seem a bit too harsh, but I wouldn't care, as long as you seem to continue your mercy.
Sincerely, your dearest friend (sarcasm), JustLeafy.