Anybody else?


New Member
I don't want to sound like a loser anybody else tired of joining rooms with daters? Im tired of never finding anybody with skills in all the rooms I join.
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I'm not sure if its just me or the amount of daters on PG3D increased since 2014. The worst time is on a team deathmatch. Daters on my team are usually free kills for the enemy team.
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Did you read the rules before joining? It specifically states that you should not swear. Anyway yes I am. The worst time is on a team death match. Daters on my team are usually free kills for the enemy team.
I think all pro killers have been there before. I've done team deathmatch so often, though there have been times where I have a player who's either AFK, or is just there spamming they "need a gf" or something. I hate it too because like Cake said, they are practically free kills for the enemy. Sure it makes the game that much more challenging, but try when the Blue team has 4 fighting players, you have 2 daters, plus the low-level player who's trying to help out, but dies a lot. It quickly becomes fighting a losing battle.

It's funny though. I go to a server with one of the pros on here, I get my butt kicked. I go to a public server on Heaven Gardens, I can rack up wins like crazy. It's like there's no more high-power players to play with there, unless you ask to make a server with them and fight.
There is a solution... Gather up your friends and make a password locked match...
Yes, but that's the thing. We're saying how in public matches, it's hard to just join a server and find any good players on there. There's literally not enough good players in the public servers. Yes we can gather eachother and do a passworded match, but what if you just want to dive into a server, and find competition? It's tough.