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  1. Turtley Fun

    What will make diminished players return

    I think pixel gun needs either a giant clean up update, or they make a second game "pixel gun 3d "2"" leave your segues toons for what they should remove/add/fix. For starters, I think that they at our should have 10 defense max, this way 90% of the guns wouldn't have either ridiculous or minial...
  2. Turtley Fun

    Something to talk about

    Do you ever get board of the current pixel gun? If your the max rank with 10000 coins... What's the point? But that's not where I am going with this. Just thinking how cool it'd be to go back. Somewhat a whole seprate app. You could restart on this older version itd be q-Will. How far would you...
  3. Turtley Fun

    Post 2 pictures here

    Post a pic of your profile, and your shop... Just for fun :P Here are mine:
  4. Turtley Fun

    Shedding light on the update

    Personally, I love this update, I haven't played this game in 6 months, and it was pretty much gone... But this got me back in. SO PLEASE STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS IS OVERPOWERED, AND THATS NERFED, UHHHH I DONT LIKE THE CONTROLLLLLLS... If you were as good as you claimed to be you'd adapt...
  5. Turtley Fun

    It's out!

    For ios it's out
  6. Turtley Fun

    Brag About Yourself!

    It's usually typical for desire to brag about yourself ( Especially in video games) So on this thread go all out! Let me know everything. No need for hummbility (word a made up :P) I won't start because I'm just that kinda guy ^_^
  7. Turtley Fun

    I've turned into.... A noob!

    This morning I figured out the wand/prototype glitch... Turns out it also works with the headhunter. I couldn't stop, every time I tried to switch to using a different weapon, I always revert back to it... How can u stop? I got 125 wins in A day! And I only played at night after I went to dinner!
  8. Turtley Fun

    list all your usernames

    List alllll of your usernames here r mine Turtley Epic XpInfinitY Silent My current: Get Mowed? or nahh... Let me know.if youve seen me! :)
  9. Turtley Fun

    Post a pic of your oldest screenshots

    Post a pic of your oldest screenshot! How old are yours? Before team battle? Before the red stone cannon? Before multiplayer?!?! Unfortunately mine is not that old... I'm just curious to see how old yours are :) Yeah.... The land before I was the max level
  10. Turtley Fun

    How to get guns in knife party

    I don't give tips out usually, but how you get guns in knife party all u have to do is join a friend if they're on knife party, which is probably rare, but i can just use my old phone and new one :P
  11. Turtley Fun

    Deadly Games Tournament? What are your thoughts?

    Maybe like 16 people get in on this and like the final four from each round would play and then they final two from that it would all happen in one day, It's based completely on luck, but it'll be fun :) we will play round one on day, two on parallel and final on swamp, but... It be nearly...
  12. Turtley Fun

    Post a pic of your top players friends list

    How good are your friends? What are your top 10? Here are mine:
  13. Turtley Fun

    Top 5 most hated things in PG3D?

    What do u think are the most annoying things in PG3D? They don't have to be weapons or maps, here are my top 5: 5-People using anti gravity blaster and they are good with it 4-wall bangers and people who glitch by hiding in walls and such 3-people who move around insanely fast when they are...
  14. Turtley Fun

    Accessorie "hacks"

    Any strategies for accessories? For example:when u put on the kings crown/skeleton cape/gladiator boots, the powerful gift is guarenteed 1 headshot! I would love to hear more things like this :)
  15. Turtley Fun

    Best new map?

    Pick one guys
  16. Turtley Fun

    Best Flag capture map?

    Whats the best?
  17. Turtley Fun

    Its out!

    The update just came out literally 10 minutes ago, that's why it's being weird and I can't update it, but still!!!! Yay!
  18. Turtley Fun

    Accessorie load out

    What accessories do u guys have on to match your character? Here's mine. Crown/skeleton cape/Gladiator boots
  19. Turtley Fun


    Welllllllll............ I had 55,465 Xperia on level 10 and 1..8 coins.......... Not to mention a great reputation and 3,010 wins on my profile, I had even punched everything that's was buy able in the game! (Including all skins) we'll it was a good run, but as eminent said once, just admit when...
  20. Turtley Fun

    Guerilla Rifle M2 vs. Ultimate Headhunter

    For me it used to be headhunter, hands down, but after playing with the Guerilla rifle m2 I realized it had an insane rate of fire, and only one headshot for the kill, and if your an all out pro, you are unstoppable with this weapon. I rarely miss, and I got at least 10/15 kills in the rounds I...