Pixel Gun 3D Forums

Cømmander Ren
Cømmander Ren
Stop using my quiz :angry: ...enough ..you make a lot ..
Theta Meta
Theta Meta
I am and now I'm thinking of something else and something to writing also your not the owner of the website it is a free open domain for anyone...
Cømmander Ren
Cømmander Ren
Just make less than 10 quiz ...don't make more or i tell stop this "Age of quiz"...this is my quiz
Theta Meta
Theta Meta
With was referring to other people like I always do...now if you excuse me I have more important matters to attend to...
Cømmander Ren
Cømmander Ren
Listen up , chicky (lady) i know this website for anyone...without Ender the quiz doesn't exist .... i share a lot of member but the many member doesn't appreciate me .... ah forget it... you understand how i feel...