The Artist's Corner

Once again, i decide to do art!... well, here you go:
1205152033.jpg 1219150237.jpg these two drawings are my concepts of Endermen from Minecraft :3
^965AB9EA88E2351F0966E1475D407B3239B9D04CCC3A498178^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg Here is a sketch of a LoL (League of Legends) champion named Bard~ uwu
^9088C590BB638A72039C191829ACC7036C5A3E4660EBA82361^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg Finally, the first sketch of my oc "Meowlancholy"
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Merry Christmas, guys! ~ Berries <3

this was just supposed to be a tiny doodle. but I just got bored and finished it. I luv chu guys. merry christmas. (the picture is kinda blurry fuuuu)
One hour of my life... For this...
This is how much I love chu guys :U
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The actual first page.
Oh Frick this took me like 6 hours to make. (And it still looked like garbage)
How am I supposed to make like 500 of these anyway?
Madness I tell you.
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Toriel Drawings
Hey, what do you know, I can (kind of) do digital art again! However, since I have to use my phone to do it, and the phone has a smaller screen than my now unusable iPad (R.I.P.), it's harder for me to draw. This means these drawings will be lower quality compared to my hand drawn and iPad art, but I will still try my best.
As a test, I decided to draw an Undertale creature called the Endogeny (Get it? EnDOGeny? Since it's supposed to be a dog? Meh.) The Endogeny is a Frankenstein-like creature, made up of multiple dogs combined together. The creature physically looks like a huge dog with only an orifice for a face, but between its legs are dog silhouettes which further represent that the creature is multiple dogs combined. Confusing, I know, but if you have played Undertale, you would understand better.
TL;DR: I now draw on my phone and to start I drew an Undertale character.
(Upper left corner is actual game art)
Yo yo yo SoSloAWSDnio here with some crap I made while I was bored out of my mind. Enjoy my masterpoop.
My current profile picture...

Umm...a freaking obsession.

Aaand...I mean honestly it looks like a red dragon with frizzy hair rather than fancy hair.

Most of you saw these, but even today I find them pretty impressive for my standards.
Lets do a like goal. One like equals a free dragon. A dragon for you to care for, to love with, and most possibly sell on eBay.
I'm going to hell for this...

So I decided to do torture-art. You know, that stuff in DeviantArt. So I made it...
You thought it was something else? TOO BAD! Waterboarding is the true torture! F*** that petty excuse you call torture (AKA tickling someone to death).

Featuring that sonova gun I've mentioned earlier...
Four pro pics. Which should I choose? Tell me via shoutbox okay? Okay. Here's da pro pics.

Numero Uno

Nummer Zwei


αριθμός Τρία

WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE!? Seriously, I wanna know. Like right now.

Let's do a like goal today: ONE LIKE = ONE RUPEE
Well, looks like AWSDragon needs to lay off of his childhood for a little while...
To be honest, this art-style is easier to work with :}