Purpose of clans


Former Ignorant Critic
Having played PG3D today I started thinking about the clan system and how poorly it is used in the game. The clan system is a great idea but I don't understand the purpose of it as it is.

Here are some of the problems I've noticed:

  • It is so difficult to join a clan that I don't know how so many others do so.
  • Even if you are in a clan, it is difficult to communicate with other members of the clan.
  • There is no clan chat to organise events.
  • There are no clan events or rewards for high ranking clans.
  • There is barely anything to distinguish between clans except for their name and tiny flag/logo (Before joining I mean).
  • No clan statistics. E.g kill ratio etc.
  • No way for clans to discuss events between one another, for example to discuss ideas or organise joint events/tournaments.
  • No rewards for any clan related activity.
  • Members who aren't leaders have basically no control over any part of the clan.
  • No clan-only option to assist with creating clan-only games.
The clan system could make the game much more exciting but for some reason not much has changed since it was introduced.
It is strange how much easier it used to be to communicate with other players before the clan and friend systems were introduced. That's why these forums used to be so great because it allowed players to communicate more effectively. Now it is rare to find anyone willing to chat or organise games. I guess the fact that the game punishes you just for playing the game half the time is probably a big reason for that, you can actually get the highest kills and score in a round and still gain no coins and lose trophies.

I'm pretty sure much of the reason why there haven't been improvements is due to the hard fisted attitude of Rilisoft towards making profits out of this game, they are probably worried that players will organise and enjoy games with only a select number of weapons, slightly eliminating the need for purchasing the latest weapons which is necessary for all other multiplayer modes. I don't think they understand the idea of providing content that will make people want to make purchases but I guess that ship has sailed.
pfft, Real pro clans use Skype in the background while they're 1v1ing with the prototypes and anti-hero rifles, And lag isn't an issue because they always have the best phone or tablet that is out :handok: