Recent content by Da Beast

  1. Da Beast

    The 1v1 Challenge

    I might've put my first post a bit strangely so I'm gonna rephrase some of it. I'm a pretty good player I go into lobbies and destroy evry1 so I'm looking for a challenge so that why I created this thread I m not being arrogant I'm just looking for better players unlike the noobs who use magic...
  2. Da Beast

    The 1v1 Challenge

    The 1v1 Challenge Hi I am da beast and I'm starting a thread here where people can challenge me to a 1v1. All you have to do is post below if u want to 1v1 me When the match is complete I will post the score and winner. I will also post the amount of losses and wins I have so far. All matches...
  3. Da Beast

    List of Tips for Pixel Gun 3D

    If you want to grind out wins/coins/exp use this technique Go onto pumpkin island in team battle. Make sure there's a 10kill to win limit Spawn trap either team at the docks. Use either the Hellraiser( fully upgraded), freeze ray or dragons breath I'd recommend getting the freeze ray and...
  4. Da Beast

    Pugs Not Drugs

    Pugs Not Drugs