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  1. Cheezah Gamin

    It's Cheezah Gamin'...I'VE MADE A NEW PIXEL GUN CHANNEL

    I stopped playing this game for over a year, but I've finally decided to make a new Pixel Gun Channel: Mundane Pixels. Any Support is appreciated :smile: The Channel: My First Episode:
  2. Cheezah Gamin

    Easy Coins Methods. Any Tips?

    Firstly, I'd like to apologise for being so inactive over at the forums, I WILL try to be more active. Anyway, I've been planning to make a video about easy coins (it's been done before, I know) but I want to include all known methods. I know about the pool part team deathmatch method, as well...
  3. Cheezah Gamin

    Shooting Range In Minecraft PE!

    This took a while to build:
  4. Cheezah Gamin

    Subscriber Match Montage!

    Enjoy this clip I made :)
  5. Cheezah Gamin

    Youtube Help! How do you lower video upload time?

    This is a serious problem. I am currently uploading a 20 min pixel gun vid, and it is going to take over 1000 minutes to upload. My vidoes are 1080p by default not choice, and I'm frankly fed up of my vids uploading at midnght! Does anybody know how to shorten upload time? Thanks.
  6. Cheezah Gamin

    Heaven Gardens Quick Match!

    Enjoy, and tell me if you'd like to see me post more of my YT vids of the forums :) Thanks for watching!
  7. Cheezah Gamin

    Sorry For Being Inactive! Here's My Little Montage!

    sorry I'm so inactive XD I made this when I hit 500 subs. Enjoy!
  8. Cheezah Gamin

    Subscriber match!

    Just a quick note to any of my subs here on the forum! I just set up the server for a sub match! Please don't join if you're not a sub, it would be unfair to my subscribers. Here are the details:
  9. Cheezah Gamin


  10. Cheezah Gamin

    Tourney Spectating

    Hi. I was wondering if anyone would like me to record their matches in the forum tourney. I'll put on an invisible potion and stuff, I just thought it would be a fun thing to do :) If you would like me to record your match, tell me when you're gonna play it, and I'll try my best to be there. (I...
  11. Cheezah Gamin

    Tourney Videos

    So I managed to "spectate" Pro Heavy and Red Fighting as part of the tourney. I might record my match at some point as well. Here are the highlights of the match. Enjoy! (Edit) My match footage is up! Check the comments if you're interested :)
  12. Cheezah Gamin

    Marksman M2 Montage

    Just a little something I made when this gun first came to the app. Enjoy :)
  13. Cheezah Gamin

    Hi There!

    Hello to anyone reading. I'm Cheezah Gamin, and I probably won't make many threads on this site, but I'll be sure to chat with other Pixel Gun fans. I myself am a youtube content creator, but don't worry, I'm not gonna go spamming this forum with self advertisements. I just found out about this...