Recent content by Mel

  1. Mel

    Looking for Recruits

    Reply back if you’re still recruiting. I would like to see about joining. I’m currently lvl 24 with 4.6K trophies. IGN is: Mel. ID is: 114494248. Thanks :)
  2. Mel

    Looking to join a clan (6000+ trophies currently #1 in extreme run and 22-26)

    Actually I’m first place by like 4.6K trophies. Levels 22-26... I can even show you
  3. Mel


    If you want/need friends add me @114494248. I need them too lol. And make sure to comment below telling me that you added me in the game or else I’ll probably decline the friend req. :smile:
  4. Mel

    New here, but not to the game

    Same, just joined a few minutes ago
  5. Mel

    Need a Clan!

    I’m looking for an active clan. And one where peeps help each other out. My ID in Pixel Gun 3D is: 114494248. Add me, and make sure to tell me who you are cause I might not accept friend req. Thanks!!
  6. Mel

